Tuesday 11 June 2019

how to compost

WALT: make compost this is a list to make compost.
  1. When you put paper and leaves with food it starts to decompose and break down then it starts to turn into soil.
  2. When you put food in the compost it starts to decompose. After some time it turns into compost.
  3. Only natural and organic materials like paper and food scraps can go into a compost bin.
  4. You can put some worms into the compost. Our you could make a worm farm.
  5. You can’t put plastics or metals in a compost bin because it can’t break down.
  6. In compost, you will need greens which are flowers or garden waste or manure. You will also need browns which are leaves or hay or wood chips.
  7. It takes two to three years to break down and make soil.

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